Friday, March 27, 2020

How Can I Go Back to School Full Time With Cisco?

How Can I Go Back to School Full Time With Cisco?If you have been contemplating working from home to improve your current situation, consider the remote tutoring full time in Cisco CCNA certification. You'll be able to go back to school full time and also gain valuable skills that will eventually help you find a job or earn money.Now, there are those people who study everything related to Cisco certification on their own. While this is a great idea in terms of learning how to deal with Cisco routers and networks, there is a limit to this approach. If you want to go back to school full time, you need to be able to take courses on your own and even send out emails. Remote tutoring can help you reach this goal.Those of you who are interested in the Cisco certification can do the exams online and then come to the actual classroom to learn how to pass the exam. The instructors will be present during the exam itself. Those who are coming in for the first time can test-drive the course.Gett ing the right skills is one thing. When you're in school, you may not have the time to be doing this kind of thing. But when you're on your own, you have time to dedicate to studying. You don't have to be alone while you're in school, so you can still set aside time to learn, too.There are many distance learning programs available, and many of them offer this kind of program. Of course, you'll have to do your research first before committing to one of these programs.Having a computer is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to learning the CCNA. Those who want to be able to go back to school full time can attend one of the community colleges that offer online courses. You should be prepared to pay tuition for this course.But if you want the entire opportunity of learning the CCNA in your spare time, you should consider going the distance learning route. That's because there are many colleges that are now offering distance learning options. Many of these college programs are req uired to offer certain technical requirements as well as a certain amount of coursework.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tutoring In Schools Small Group Sessions

Tutoring In Schools Small Group Sessions Even experienced tutors can struggle when starting to deliver sessions in schools. Tutoring in-school means being particularly mindful of how your sessions fit into a student’s school life and tailoring your approach accordingly. This sounds easy enough in theory, but what does it mean in practice?   This week, we’re looking at small group sessions. The schools we work with are most likely to ask our tutors to work with small groups. There’s always a balance to be struck between the number of students involved in an intervention and the progress each selected student makes. Research shows that small groups of two or three students is the best way for a school to maximise impact from tutoring. We’ve compiled a list of the five things tutors should definitely be doing when working with small groups in schools. Teaching the right group As soon as there’s more than one student in a session, the relationship between the students becomes just as important as your relationship with them. If students don’t get on or are starting the sessions with very different attitudes or attainment, it can become difficult to work productively with them. Sometimes you can work around this â€" find commonalities, use different ability levels to encourage peer learning â€" but sometimes you might be better off rearranging the group. This won’t always be possible, but often whoever is arranging the groups for you will understand the problem and work with you to find a better solution. If, for example, a group of three students has one student whose subject knowledge is a long way behind the others, the sessions might serve to weaken their confidence rather than strengthen it. Whilst tutors should try their best to find a productive approach with every group, it’s equally important to voice your concerns with school and make sure you’re always working in the way that’s most beneficial for your students â€" thinking hard about the make-up of each group is a big part of this.   Setting the room up correctly Often overlooked by inexperienced tutors, the physical set-up of the room you’re working in can make a big difference to the session itself. Where are you sitting in relation to the students? Where are they sitting in relation to each other? How can you manage these variables to get the best possible environment for learning? When new to in-school tutoring, tutors can feel as though they’re in someone else’s space. This means they won’t feel comfortable temporarily rearranging a room and might just put up with a room in the way they find it. If you’re not comfortable in the space, this will come across to your students. Arranging the workspace so that it’s tidy, purposeful and appropriate for the task at hand will show that you’re in control and make it easier for students to settle into the lessons. Using the group dynamic to your advantage This is a simple idea: if the activity you’re doing could be done either with a full class or just one student, you could probably do something better with a small group. Students get a lot from learning with their peers â€" maybe discussing, competing, quizzing each other. These are benefits you can’t get as easily from a group of thirty students or just one, so embrace them and use them to your advantage. Think about how you can tailor activities so that they require the students to collaborate. Can it be gamified to encourage healthy competition? Can they be working together to solve a problem? This will make the sessions feel novel, well-rounded and fun for students, letting them enjoy the group dynamic and get an increased benefit from sessions. Getting all students to contribute Part of designing effective group activities means understanding your group â€" particularly thinking about whether a certain approach will allow louder, more confident students to dominate. When planning for lessons or just asking questions, make sure to get responses from every member of the group equally. Students that are less confident will not speak up without encouragement and will slide all-too-comfortably into letting more outgoing students do the heavy lifting for them.   With only 2-4 students in the room, there should be no place for quieter students to hide and the habit shouldn’t be allowed to develop. Once a student is used to coasting through sessions, it can become uncomfortable to get them contributing further down the line. That said, it’s important to take different confidence levels into account and ask students to contribute in a way that they’re comfortable. The loudest, most confident student shouldn’t necessarily be used as the model for all contributions.   Maintaining school rules School rules are important everywhere in school life, but never more so than in small group sessions. Behavioural issues are far less likely to occur in one-to-one sessions and any bad behaviour in classrooms will usually be dealt with immediately by the teaching staff. Small group sessions are the place, if anywhere, where a tutor is most likely to be faced with challenging behaviour and things can bubble over into a loss of control. The best way to avoid this situation is to make sure the rules that apply elsewhere in school apply in your small group sessions from the very start. Small group sessions can be fun â€" and can feel more informal than regular lessons. Particularly with inexperienced tutors, this can result in a lax approach to school rules. It feels natural at first not to be too concerned with untucked shirts or a bit of boisterous behaviour. If your students are relaxed, happy and willing to learn, so why make a point of following up small infractions? But over a number of weeks this relaxed approach will encourage students to test the boundaries, lead to a silly, unfocused atmosphere in sessions.   It’s a delicate thing, but it’s not too hard to find a balance. Your sessions can be friendly, warm, relaxed and fun, but a gentle reminder of school rules (often even a non-verbal cue) will go a long way. If the head of the school walked into your session right now, would she be happy with what she saw? If not, you should take some time to consider how to keep an ordered and focused feel to your tutoring.   If you’re interested in tutoring in-schools, contact the foundation at, check your profile for volunteering opportunities or browse our website to find out what’s on.


ALEXA, PLEASE….” In last weeks post I discussed how digital assistants, like Alexa, can help things run more smoothly at home when you have a child with ADHD. Digital assistants are developing rapidly, and already come with an impressive array of features and functions. Yet, as with all emerging technologies, parents should be on the lookout for unintended consequences that might crop up once they and their children start using the devices. With screen-free digital assistants, many of the pitfalls that come with tablet and phone-based technology are avoided. On the other hand, the language and style of speaking that we use to communicate with Alexa doesnt match up with the way we talk with our partners, coworkers, and children. As adults, we can easily distinguish between a style of speech used with technology and a style of speech used with the people in our lives, but for young children and children of all ages who struggle with social interactions, this differentiation may not be intuitive. Across the board, kids attribute human thoughts, feelings, and intentions to inanimate objects. Its completely normal for them to think that their stuffed bear may feel lonely if he is left alone all day, or that their dump truck is mad because its wheel got stuck in the sand. As kids get older this tendency gradually decreases, but for some, it still pops up well into adulthood (think of people you know who talk about their beloved car as though it is a person!). Technology like Alexa taps into this tendency to attribute human qualities to objects. And, depending on your childs developmental level, the line between person and technology may still be quite blurry. So, as you bark out commands to your digital assistant -- Alexa, turn on the lights, or Alexa, play my favorite radio station, or worse, as you keep trying to get it to work, saying more sternly each time, Alexa. Alexa! ALEXA! -- your kids are hearing and absorbing your tone and phrasing. Without intending to, youre providing a model of communication that they may generalize to their interactions with friends and family. Fortunately, with three simple steps (and ongoing mindfulness on your part) you can keep this behavior to a minimum: Rename Alexa. Did you know that you dont actually need to refer to Alexa as Alexa? Alexa is simply a word programed into your digital assistant to wake it up and get it ready to receive a command. Its called the Wake Word and you can change it to anything that you would like to use. You can de-personalize your digital assistant and make it clear that you are taking to a machine and not a person by changing the devices Wake Word to Computer or another technology-related name. Say Please. Start talking to your digital assistant the way you would talk to a friend or colleague when youre asking them to do something for you. Start each request or command with Alexa, please (or the new name for your device in place of Alexa). After the task is completed, end the conversation with Alexa, thank you. Your device will always respond by saying something like, You bet! or Anytime!, providing a great model for your child. Remember that you can turn off Alexa. Its easy to forget that you are in charge of your technology, and not the other way around. If youre concerned about how your child is interacting with Alexa, or your child isnt practicing his or her please and thank you with the device, then it might be time for a break. Let your child know that when he or she doesnt use please or thank you, the device will stop responding. Then, unplug Alexa. Its as simple as that. After a break, plug Alexa back in and let your child give it another try. As digital assistants continue to evolve Im optimistic that new family-friendly features and parental controls will be added to their functionality. In the meantime, be mindful of the way you and your child interact with Alexa, and be on the lookout for unintended consequences that may pop up as you integrate this technology into your daily life. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

10 Reasons We Should Go To The Gym

10 Reasons We Should Go To The Gym Photo Via: Many people think that as long as you eat semi-decent foods and walk to class every day, you’re being healthy. This is extremely wrong. Being healthy involves so much more than that, working out included. While you don’t need to necessarily run several miles every day, at least getting on the treadmill for 30 minutes every day is a start in the right direction. While time is usually the issue, especially with college students, making the time to get healthy is a decision you won’t regret later on. 2. To look good Photo Via: There isn’t much else more motivating than looking at yourself in the mirror and not being happy with what you see. Rather than putting off the workout that you know you need, pay attention to what your body is telling you and get over to the gym. While looks definitely aren’t everything, doing what you can to look good isn’t a bad thing. And with swimsuit season coming up quickly, make sure you’re ahead of the game by heading to the gym right away. 3. To eat what you want Photo Via: It’s no secret that salad isn’t always satisfying. In fact, most people become depressed with their meals when they’re limited to foods they can’t stand because they’re trying to lose weight. Wouldn’t it be easier if you could work out at the gym and come home to food that you actually want to eat? This isn’t to say going to the gym gives you the freedom to eat junk food all day long, but that you have more freedom to have that bag of popcorn after a long week of working out at the gym. 4. To relieve stress Photo Via: School is stressful. There’s no doubt about that. And the best way to relieve that stress is to head on over to the campus gym. While your initial reaction may be to go sit on the couch and flip on the TV for some relaxation, working out is far more likely to relieve your stress. Whether you’re on the elliptical or lifting weights, your workout routine is going to be the ultimate stress reliever. 5. To procrastinate Photo Via: We love to procrastinate. Got a test on Friday? Looks like you’re not looking at the study guide until Thursday. Paper due on Thursday? Looks like you’re pulling an all-nighter Wednesday to write that bad boy. What better way is there to spend your time procrastinating homework than to head on over to the gym? It will not only kill time but also give you that feeling of accomplishment that you’ll probably need since you’ve done nothing else today. 6. To get out Photo Via: Staying cooped up in the apartment/dorm all semester isn’t healthy, and is more than likely going to make you depressed. So rather than sitting around feeling bored, use your free time to head over to the gym. You are not only getting out of the apartment, but also staying healthy. That’s more than you can do sitting on the couch. 7. To improve your sleep Photo Via: Working out has been proven to help your sleep, yet another benefit to be gained in visiting the gym. So if you are an insomniac, go to the gym. Working out can help you sleep longer, and also more soundly. So next time you feel like you’re losing sleep, keep this little tip in mind and pay a visit to your campus gym. 8. It’s free Photo Via: Most campus recreation centers are included in the price of your tuition, making them practically free for your use. So why wouldn’t you take advantage of it while you have it at your disposal? So long as you have a gym to use, it would be stupid not to use it. So do the smart thing, and take advantage of your free gym. Because they won’t be free from here on out. 9. The weather doesn’t matter Photo Via: The weather is one of the least motivational elements when it comes to working out, and the gym eliminates all excuses. Did you ever skip a run because it was too cold outside? Luckily enough for you, the gym is inside and eliminates this problem altogether. You’re welcome. 10. To be more athletic Photo Via: And last, but not least, is the fact that going to the gym can help to make you more athletic in general. You will no longer be winded from walking up your staircase, and you’ll actually be able to finish a pickup game of basketball without sounding like Darth Vader. Going to the gym has so many benefits that it’s hard to ignore its importance. So keep these ideas in mind next time you’re putting off working out, because there are so many reasons you should be going to the gym.

6 Tips for Surviving Your Internship This Semester

6 Tips for Surviving Your Internship This Semester Image via Pexels Speaking from personal experience, I particularly enjoyed being the first one in the office. I was given a set of keys to the building since I lived two blocks away while everyone’s commute was 15 minutes or longer. I would come in at least 20 minutes earlier to make coffee, set up my laptop and work, and get a few tasks done before other people could distract me with conversation. Maintain a polished image Maintaining an image of a hard-working, respectable intern is important. The way you dress tells your colleagues what kind of person you are. If you are not mindful of your appearance in your workplace, the untidy blouse or ripped jeans tells others that you are not serious or caring enough. Try to keep a simple, minimal look and have staple pieces in your wardrobe, like dark close-toed shoes and a blazer jacket. For more tips on how to dress for your internship, check out former Uloop writer  Walbert Castillo’s advice on men’s attire for an interview. For the ladies, Lillian Lu recommends, “If you wear a pencil skirt, make sure it hits your knees and is coupled with opaque tights.” Be vocal It never hurts to establish a trusting relationship with your manager. Being able to effectively communicate your concerns, intentions, and decisions with your boss will enhance your ability to perform. Francine Fluetsch also notes, “You don’t have to get everything perfect the first time, and it is much better to clarify the situation and get it right than just winging it and then having to redo it.” Your manager will also be impressed with your confidence to share great advice and pitch ideas. If you’re going to ask your manager for a recommendation letter later, let there be something memorable about your work ethic and ability that he or she can build on. Fuel up Eat healthy meals regularly to monitor and replenish your strength. If you were a lazy student before you started this internship, you’re about to realize that skipping meals and eating junk food will not cut it in once you begin a job. You are now busy for most of the week and don’t have time to prepare a proper breakfast anymore. Alexia Gonzalez shares some of her favorite breakfast recipes as well as lunch prep tips to save you the stress and time. Rest as much as needed Do NOT try to tackle the day without rest. I promise it almost never goes well. Your focus is depleted because your mind does not have the energy to fully attend to your work. If you are working on spreadsheets and numbers, you will probably miscalculate and be too lazy to check your work. Sleeping a healthy amount of hours every night keeps you sharp and ready to work the next day. Tend to your psychological needs too You’re working hard to build experience and to learn how to maintain a certain lifestyle. You’re putting in long hours at your internship because you want to do well. This means you have less time to do the things that you want to do. You skip on that spontaneous trip with your friends and forget to call your parents. Soon, you’ll realize your social skills have decayed and being in public makes you anxious. While an internship is probably not as demanding as a full-time position, you should still set time apart to nurture and improve relationships. It is a need for your well-being, after all. (Image via SimplyPsychology) According to psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model, people are driven by certain needs. While it is difficult to achieve self-actualization, the sense of belonging to relationships and social groups can improve your mood and health outside of the office. Planning to meet with some friends after work can motivate you to do well throughout the day.

JCB????????????????????! (italki now accepts JCB credit cards)

JCB????????????????????! (italki now accepts JCB credit cards) ???????????????????italki?? JCB??? ??????????????????ITC????????????????????? We just wanted to note that italki now accepts JCB credit cards. JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) is similar to Visa or Mastercard, and is widely used in Japan and other countries, including South Korea, China, Taiwan, and the United States. Youll see the JCB option when you go to purchase italki Credits (ITC). We hope this makes it easier to purchase language products and services on italki. JCB????????????????????! (italki now accepts JCB credit cards) ???????????????????italki?? JCB??? ??????????????????ITC????????????????????? We just wanted to note that italki now accepts JCB credit cards. JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) is similar to Visa or Mastercard, and is widely used in Japan and other countries, including South Korea, China, Taiwan, and the United States. Youll see the JCB option when you go to purchase italki Credits (ITC). We hope this makes it easier to purchase language products and services on italki.

6 Innovative Language Learning Tools to Work into Your Daily Routine

6 Innovative Language Learning Tools to Work into Your Daily Routine 6 Innovative Language Learning Tools to Work into Your Daily Routine To complete any project, you need the right tool for the job.You wouldnt try to pound in a nail with a wrench, would you?When it comes to language learning, theres so much more in your toolbox than just hammers.And somewhere out there, youre bound to find the right language learning tools to help you learn your target language.Online learning tools  are a convenient option. For instance,  online language courses  or  online language learning communities  might be just the tool you need to propel you towards fluency.If youre looking to learn a language quickly and efficiently, immersion programs for adult learners  are another powerful tool.But regardless of what tools youre using, they may start to feel dull or get worn down over time. To keep moving forward, you need something new and unique. Thats why these six innovative language learning tools are worth keeping in your toolbox! Why Use Innovative Language Learning Tools?These innovative language learning tools help you see your target language in a new light. When you use the same tool over and over again, youre only approaching the language from one angle. Using an innovative language learning tool helps you approach the language from a new perspective.Why is it important to change your approach? In real life, youre unlikely to be presented with the language in the exact same way one learning tool has presented it. The more experience you have seeing the language in different contexts, the more likely you are to be able to use it effectively in the real world.Additionally, these tools will help you break out of your rut. If you use the same few learning tools over and over, chances are youll get a little bored of them. Too much repetition can make it feel like your brain is going numb. If you change up your methods regularly, though, you might find that you dont get bored as easily and that your mind stays focusedâ€"now thats a recipe for language learning success!Finally, innovative learning tools can c ram learning into a wide variety of situations. Many language learning tools combine learning with other fun activities, like reading or watching entertaining programs. Not only are these tools flexible, but they also help you to combine leisure time with learning time.6 Innovative Language Learning Tools to Work into Your Daily RoutineReadlangWith Readlang, any website you visit can become an instant language learning tool.Readlang is a downloadable web reader for language learners. Once youve signed up and installed Readlang, you can instantly translate any text. This means you can read (and understand) text in your target language or you can read things in English and instantly look up words in your target language.But Readlang offers more than simple translation. Any words you translate are saved and you can practice them using flashcards.Because Readlang uses whatever webpage youre visiting, its perfect for any level of language learner. If you dont know where to start, you can access popular articles through the Readlang website.Since Readlang works with over 40 languages, most languages you might want to learn are likely included.A free subscription gives you unlimited word translations, unlimited flashcards and 10 phrase translations per day. For a $5 monthly subscription, you get unlimited word and phrase translations and unlimited flashcards.FluentUIf you like watching videosâ€"and who doesnt?â€"then FluentU is the innovative tool that can help propel you at warp speeds towards fluency.FluentU uses authentic videos like news, movie trailers, music videos and more, to help you improve your language skills.Each video is captioned and the captions are annotated to give you all the tools you need to understand the video while improving your language skills. Youll have easy access to any words definition, an associated image and several example sentences. If you want to see how a word is used in other contexts, you can simply click it to see other videos that use that word.Learn mode is another exciting feature that FluentU offers to language learners. In this mode, videos, pictures and example sentences are integrated into flashcards and exercises to create an engaging learning activity.Since FluentU is flexible, its perfect for any level of language learner. You choose what you watch and how often you watch. FluentU will take your history into account to present you with appropriate questions and teach you based on what youve already learned.FluentU offers Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.You can use  FluentU online  or  download the FluentU app for iOS or Android devices to take it with you wherever you go.Internet PolyglotInternet Polyglot is a free online tool that aims to help you expand your vocabulary through games.Internet Polyglot offers five different games for learners, including a picture game, a typing game, a guessing game, a matching game and a word search. Using this a rray of different activities can help you cement new vocabulary words in your memory by seeing them repeatedly in different contexts.You choose your thematic word set and which game you want to play. Because you choose your word set, Internet Polyglot is flexible for any level of language learnerâ€"simply choose a word set you feel you need to work on.Internet Polyglot offers dozens of language options. Popular options like Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Japanese are available, but there are also less common options like Amharic, Esperanto, Farsi and Tamil.One particularly unique feature of Internet Polyglot is that you can select the language youre learning and the language you speak. If youre learning multiple languages at a time, this can be a helpful way to study them simultaneously, particularly if theyre similar. For instance, if you speak some Spanish and also want to learn Portuguese, looking at both languages simultaneously will help you see the overlap.LingQ Understa nding authentic content can be hard but, thankfully, tools like LingQ take a lot of the work out of the process.LingQ focuses on teaching you a language through authentic content like news articles, books, audiobooks, songs, podcasts and even recipes.As youre enjoying content, LingQ allows you to look up unfamiliar words and save them to study more later.LingQ provides plenty of content, but you can also import content on your own, allowing you to use LingQs features with blog posts, messages from friends and more.With over 20 languages available, youll have easy access to popular options like Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish, but youll also find some less common languages like Polish.LingQ works online and is also downloadable for iOS or Android.ClozemasterClozemaster aims to provide you with plenty of exposure to in-context vocabulary through a language learning game.The game is fill-in-the-blank style. Youll be presented with a sentence in your target langua ge along with its translation. Then, you select which word to choose to complete that sentence. You can choose to play as a multiple-choice game or input the text yourself.Clozemaster offers a terrific array of language options, including popular choices like  Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish. However, Clozemaster also offers particularly rare options, like Basque, Breton, Gaelic, Galician, Occitan, Piedmontese and Welsh.WordBreweryIts important to learn the most frequently used words in a language, and WordBrewery wants to help you do just that.WordBrewery selects sentences from actual news reports to ensure that the phrases are relevant examples of what you might encounter in the real world. These sentences feature high-frequency words so that your learning will be focused and targeted.WordBrewery shows you one sentence at a time. From there, you have a number of options. You can listen to audio of the sentence, see a translation of the sentence, view the sen tences original source article or add the sentence to your list to study more later. You also have additional options with each individual word in the sentence. For instance, you can click any word to hear it pronounced, see its translation and/or add it to your list to study more later.WordBrewery is designed to be used in short bursts throughout the day, so it doesnt require a huge time commitment. Plus, leveled options are available for all levels of language learner.It has 20 languages available, including popular ones like Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish, and a handful of less-common options, like Serbian.With these six innovative language learning tools, youll always have the right tool for the job!